I collaborate with families and education professionals to uncover the fundamental essence of being self-directed, intricately woven into life

The pursuit of learning persists long after formal education. As a parent, I embrace the challenge of parenting, and evolve into a better nurturer. Guiding my three homeschooled boys as their teacher, I foster authentic and practical learning. In my role as a community leader, I orchestrate avenues for all to embrace the enchantment of parenting and the marvel of continual learning.

it's hard

I see the concern in your eyes, the worry etched on your faces. You watch as the spark of curiosity in your once-happy child dims, overshadowed by disinterest. It's painful to see, isn't it?

Dear parents and educators,

I won’t sugarcoat it – parenting is hard. Balancing your child’s happiness with their education is like juggling while riding a unicycle on a bumpy road. You’ve questioned if the conventional learning methods are truly the best fit for them, and you’ve wondered whether the structured school environment aligns with their unique personality. But you’ve got a support crew right here, cheering you on. We understand the sleepless nights, the concerns, and the hopes you have for your child’s future.

Guess what? You’re not alone. We’ve all been there, caught in the maze of doubts and decisions. The path of parenting and educating is a challenging one, often fraught with uncertainty and self-doubt. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, no guaranteed formula for success. It’s like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces, and it can be frustrating as heck.

But here’s the silver lining: we’re in this together. There’s a whole bunch of parents who’ve faced these challenges head-on and come out stronger, wiser, and with a ton of love and experience to share.

It’s okay not to have all the answers. It’s okay to feel a bit lost. What matters is that you care enough to keep seeking, keep questioning, and keep loving. You’re writing your own self-directed story, one filled with twists and turns, but also with beautiful moments of connection and growth.

It’s okay to feel the weight of these challenges. It’s okay to question and seek a better way. The very fact that you’re actively seeking solutions shows your dedication to your child’s well-being and growth. And that’s a beautiful thing.

So, take a deep breath and know that you’re on a path of discovery. Every doubt, every question, every hesitation – they are all stepping stones to understanding, growth, and transformation. You have the power to craft a learning environment that resonates with your child’s unique personality, a space where their happiness and education flourish hand in hand.

Your dedication is admirable, your concerns are valid, and your efforts matter. Embrace the uncertainty, because within it lies the opportunity to discover new ways to nurture and guide your child. You’re not just raising them – you’re learning and growing alongside them. And together, we’ll navigate these choppy waters and create a tapestry of memories and lessons that will shape the wonderful individuals our children are becoming.


Wishing you peace and happiness, 


Sheryl believes that self-directed learning through self-discovery (aka play) and reflection, helps children create the strongest motivation to navigate life.

She finds that it is important to honour the child first before any pedagogy. She practises mindful parenting, and prefers to time working with children to grow their mindful awareness, social emotional skills, and executive functioning skills – skills and dispositions not emphasised in schools.

Before having kids, she worked in the financial world as a Chartered Financial Analyst and a Chartered Accountant, and was a mother to her staff in her family’s business. Sheryl was the Homeschool Convention Curriculum Fair Organiser from 2018 to 2020 and was a Wunder-led mentor to other teachers in 2021.

Sheryl now focuses her energies bringing together Self-directed Life, a global community of people invested in making education better for future generations, and her microschool, NEW SCHOOL learning dojo as a platform for her children to grow.

She homeschools her three active boys, and brings lots of energy, learning, and spontaneity to every classroom with or without doors.

Sheryl is...

*Informed indicates trainings attended and Interest indicates non-formal knowledge acquired


Hello world! My name is Sheryl.

More about Sheryl Sheryl believes that self-directed learning through self-discovery (aka play) and reflection, helps children create the strongest motivation to navigate life. She is

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